A comprehensive online program covering a detailed and anatomical account of The Thompson Method for Midwives and other health professionals passionate about improving breastfeeding outcomes for mothers and babies.
8 CPD Hours - Endorsement from ACM (Australian College of Midwives)
- Learn how to reduce the risk of breastfeeding complications for mothers and their babies.
- Learn how to relieve or overcome pain for women who are already experiencing painful breastfeeding complications.
- Gain an anatomical understanding of why and how The Thompson Method works.
- Complete online Assessments after each module (Certificate of Completion provided)
BONUS 1: Lifetime Membership to The Breastfeeding Club
BONUS 2: Quick Start Video Series on Pain-Free Breastfeeding
BONUS 3: The 3 Golden Hours Video Series on the importance of the very First Breastfeed
A comprehensive program for health professionals from experienced midwife and breastfeeding specialist Dr Robyn Thompson (RN, RM, M&CH, BAppSc, PHD).