What mothers have to say about The Thompson Method.

Amanda J.
I had my baby boy on Monday via an emergency c-section. The midwives on the ward are amazed this is my first baby and we are feeding so well.
I know that without your research and the course, it would be a whole different story! I feel confident with my breastfeeding journey and appreciate the support you continue to provide in the private group.

Natalie W.
I actually WANT to breastfeed my baby after birth. She’s a little over 24hrs old, and our breastfeeding journey is already 1,000x better than my last four.
By this time I usually had cracked and bleeding nipples, but thanks to The Thompson Method, it is painless and inviting. Things are going amazingly and she latches like a champion all on her own

It's so scary to be a first time mom,. You have to worry about pregnancy, labor, delivery and everything else that comes after that. But having the knowledge from the Thompson Method has made my breastfeeding journey amazing!
I am now 4 months [exclusively breastfeeding] and breastfeeding has been by far the most enjoyable part of being a mom.