How This First Time Mother Had A Successful Home Birth And Breastfeeding Journey

success stories

Mother's Name: Chelsey Dawber

Location: UK

Chelsey’s Story:

Chelsey is a first time Mum from Manchester who did plenty of research on birthing and breastfeeding during pregnancy. She had a homebirth and followed the Thompson Method of breastfeeding successfully. Chelsey's baby is 6 weeks old at the time of interview. 

In this video, Chelsey talks about:

  • 44s > “I didn’t know anyone that successfully breastfed past the first few weeks”
  • 3.16 > Preparation is important for breastfeeding
  • 3.44 > I learned why frequent feeding perpetuated problems and how to space feeds out
  • 5.47 > ONE word to explain your experience
  • 6.10 > a message to YOU, pregnant members

Did you know that Britain has some of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world?

“Improving the UK’s breastfeeding rates would have a profoundly positive impact on child health.” - UNICEF
Breastfeeding is natural, so why do so many women struggle with it? 
Inconsistent, conflicting information and forceful breastfeeding techniques being taught in the hospital system often result in pain for many experienced and first time mothers.
Women often share stories of how they were told that they need to do better by the hospital system, leaving them feeling like a failure who can’t provide the nourishment her baby needs.
With over 45 years experience as a midwife and a PhD in breastfeeding, Dr Robyn Thompson's gentle method helps women reduce the risk of breastfeeding complications, encouraging them to trust their natural instincts.
You should not have to spend time feeling overwhelmed and worrying about breastfeeding pain and complications.
Spend your time enjoying the precious moments with your extraordinary tiny human.
To learn what's possible with The Thompson Method and how important it is to be prepared for your birth and breastfeeding journey join 

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Breastfeeding Guide and Newborn Breastfeeding Tips

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The Thompson Method provides evidence-based education, gentle guidance, and 24/7 support so women can breastfeed for as long as they choose—confidence-full and pain-free.

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The Thompson Method provides evidence-based education, gentle guidance, and 24/7 support so women can breastfeed for as long as they choose—confidence-full and pain-free.

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For Pregnant Women
For Breastfeeding Women
For Health Professionals
1:1 Breastfeeding Consultation
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