My Breastfeeding Story Using The Thompson Method | An Honest Review
'Hi guys! I'm Fenella and this is my story of using The Thompson Method of Breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding has been such an incredible journey and I want to share it with you so that if you're having any trouble, or struggling in any way, then maybe this will help inspire you.'
As a first time expectant mum, Fenella just wanted to have a positive birth experience and was really focused on her labour and birth during her pregnancy.
Pic: Fenella during her pregnancy
It wasn’t until she reached the third trimester, with her estimated due date fast approaching, that she began to think about breastfeeding.
Her planned home birth unexpectedly resulted in a c section. And although her breastfeeding journey started gently and positively...
Things quickly took a turn for the worst.
The forceful techniques shown to this first time mum resulted in pain, stress, breast refusal and her baby girl being bottle fed formula by the time she was discharged.
Fenella was left feeling devastated, overwhelmed and exhausted.
But when she arrived home with her newborn baby, she went about changing all that....
With the knowledge she gained from The Thompson Method and the support she received in the private community, Fenella followed her instincts and went about gently transitioning from the bottle back to breastfeeding.
How Fenella Turned Her Breastfeeding Journey Around With The Thompson Method
During my pregnancy, I spent so much time thinking about labour, being a first time mum and nervous about the delivery, that I just wanted to have a positive birth experience.
And it wasn't really until my third trimester, I thought, "Oh my God, I've got a little one coming soon and I need to think about breastfeeding."
I was scrolling through Facebook one day, and I happen to stumble across The Thompson Method.
So I clicked on the video out of interest, and listened to Dr Robyn Thompson talk, her warming manner and the way that she spoke about treating each woman as an individual.
Her gentle breastfeeding approach just aligned with all my values and I decided to sign up for the Thompson Method Breastfeeding course.
I found it so interesting, working my way through the content. And by the end, I felt confident, prepared and informed for my breastfeeding journey ahead.
My home birth turned into an unplanned c section, which went really well.
Pic: Fenella's home birth
And the first breastfeed was painless, it was amazing and felt so natural.
However, the next day, a support worker came around and asked to see me breastfeed my daughter. After no sleep for two days feeling really vulnerable and very overwhelmed, I ended up letting her show me forceful breastfeeding techniques, which really distressed my daughter and I and after that she just refused my breast.
I was told I couldn't leave hospital until they saw her feed.
And they instilled fear in me that she was dehydrated and hungry and so I ended up being so frightened that I gave her formula, which broke me.
The only thing that kept me going was to know that I had The Thompson Method under my belt and I could just turn this all around when I got home.
Once we got home, we got loads of skin on skin going and I gently expressed my breasts to give the milk to my daughter in a bottle, referred to the course and read loads of success stories and thompson method reviews and I just felt really determined and I remember talking to my daughter and saying "we can do this".
And over a period of time we transitioned from bottle feeding and breastfeeding to exclusively breastfeeding by 10 weeks.
Here we are today celebrating my daughter's first birthday during World Breastfeeding Week and still going strong. I am so incredibly grateful for finding The Thompson Method.
Pic. Fenella feeding her daughter on her first birthday
Had I not found it I really think the outcome for us would have been very different. I will be forever grateful to you Dr Robyn Thompson and your beautiful team for giving me so many precious moments with my baby and hopefully many more to come.
Breastfeeding is natural. So why do so many women struggle with it?
Women are often told they need to do better by the hospital system, leaving them feeling like a failure who can’t provide the nourishment her baby needs.

Pic: Dr Robyn Thompson observes a mother and her 6 day old daughter breastfeeding
The Thompson Method Breastfeeding Reviews
The Thompson Method has helped thousands of women bond with their babies through breastfeeding. But don’t just take our word for it.
Read these real stories and reviews from real women who have had their own unique experience of breastfeeding with The Thompson Method
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Josie W
In the UK, breastfeeding rates are so low so I'm proud to have made it this far!
'Baby and I got off to a rough start learning how to breastfeed but having watched the videos and read about other mamas’ experiences with learning this method has really filled me (and my husband) with so much confidence.
At first, we had a ‘sleepy baby’ who wouldn’t latch or suck. The advice in this program helped us stay strong and stay committed to our breastfeeding journey, even so early on!! Baby is only a few days old but there were so many times were it felt like we’d never get it - but we did and even though we’re still learning! Right now I’m sitting in my hospital bed feeling like my milk is about to come in... I know I’ll be leaning on this program A LOT for all the restless nights and uncertainty twists and turns ahead.
Here’s the rest and digest face of a freshly fed baby who’s starting to get the hang of the Thompson Method. Today marks 6 months of pain free breastfeeding all thanks to the programme, videos and admin team. In the UK, breastfeeding rates are so low so I'm proud to have made it this far! Thank you Dr Robyn and team. I’m SO THANKFUL for this program and the beautiful and supportive community that surrounds it.'
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sarah S
First Time Mom Had So Many Doubts And Anxiety About Breastfeeding
'My 10 week old has already doubled his birth weight and is exclusively breastfeeding! I am a first time mom and had so many doubts and anxiety about how my breastfeeding journey would go but he has been a champ since day one! I don't think I could have made it this far without the Thompson Method.'💕
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sarah J
I suffered low supply with my first but thanks to The Thompson Method I feel prepared to breastfeed my second.
'I suffered low supply from several contributing factors and although I am yet to have a second baby, I will definitely be going into my breastfeeding journey second time around prepared. I will be prepared because I have learnt so much from the program and will utilise that knowledge throughout my pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey to lead me into a successful second time around without having to fix the damage caused by mixed information'
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Carol T
I have done the program and it's a small investment in educating ourselves on breastfeeding and avoiding nipple trauma
'I have done her program and it's a small investment In educating ourselves on breastfeeding and avoiding nipple trauma. I’m in her closed group The Birth & Breastfeeding Group. I think all the information is amazing and I can’t wait to put it all into practice.
I signed up when I was 26 weeks pregnant and now just go back and revise on the videos :-)'
Source: BabyCentre
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Lyndsay F
Pregnant during a global pandemic I was so nervous
'If you are lucky enough to land on this page I cannot recommend The Thompson Method enough. Being a first time mum and pregnant during a global pandemic I was so nervous and not sure if I would breastfeed or not... until I found Dr Robyn!
Listening to her caring attitude and knowledgeable approach, I 100% knew I wanted to feed my baby myself and was confident I could do it without any of the breastfeeding horror stories I’d heard from other mums- the videos explain everything so well and reassured me I could do this.
I was fully prepared for my birth and knew exactly what to do when my baby arrived.
Thank you so much to Dr Robyn and the team, I feel so lucky to have come across your programme when I did, your help and guidance has been a huge tower of support to me throughout my pregnancy and during the pandemic when I could not attend other pre natal classes. I feel so empowered that I have been able to feed my baby without any issues or pain. Knowing you are there to lean on with questions when I have them is such a comfort.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I feel truly blessed to have found you, you are amazing ❤️'
Read More Thompson Method Breastfeeding Reviews
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Danielle C
Thompson Method Breastfeeding Reviews 'My breastfeeding journey has been amazing'.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ FTM, South Africa
The Thompson Method completely changed my life and saved my breastfeeding journey.
Dr Thompson is a nurse with a LOT of experience. She bases her advice on evidence-based research that she conducted herself.
Her approach is gentle and straightforward. Within 24 hours, I was breastfeeding pain-free. Simply by following the advice on her Facebook group.
Another few months and I had managed to wean my son from the nipple shield. I was getting more sleep, my breasts had healed and my son was healthy.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Catherine E
6 months pain-free breastfeeding thanks to The Thompson Method.
'Today marks 6 months of pain free breastfeeding all thanks to the programme, videos and admin team. In the UK, breastfeeding rates are so slow so I'm proud to have made it this far! Thank you Dr Robyn and team'.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Lauren L
If you are asking yourself does The Thompson Method work? I'm proof that it does...
'I had never successfully breastfed any of my other 2 children past the first few days so I was determined to breastfeed my daughter Lola for as long as I possibly could.
I found The Thompson Method by chance when Lola was 5 months old after someone posted that she was searching for mums who were struggling to feed babies with tongue ties. I had already had my daughters tie corrected a week or so before but was still having issues. I met with Dr Robyn and her team and it was the start of everything happening so beautifully and naturally when it came to breastfeeding. They were always there for me when I needed them for support and any little issues arose. I wish I had known about the Thompson Method from the very start! Still breastfeeding Lola at 14 months now and no stopping us ❤️❤️❤️'
Read More The Thompson Method Reviews
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Danielle T
The most successful breastfeeding journey so far THANK YOU
'Hi Dr Robyn, I just wanted to say a quick thank you. Because of your amazing videos, advice and the information available, I have had the most successful breastfeeding baby since her first breastfeed. This is my third baby, and I had nipples that blistered, bled and scabbed with my first, terrible engorgement and reflux with my second and both babies were unsettled for the first few months. My new baby girl is so settled as I'm reading her cues, letting her feed until she is ready to unlatch herself, and other than the slight initial nipple soreness my nipples are feeling great. So once again thank you for this service.'
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Abb92
My little one struggled for 2 weeks before finding The Thompson Method
’Im not sure whether this is an option for you, but there is a program called the Thompson method. Robyn Thompson provides help to mums with breastfeeding, my LO struggled to breast feed for the first 2 weeks and the program helped a lot. They do offer a breastfeeding rescue program, where they assist mums on helping bub get back on the boob.
At the least it might be worth a look, they help Mums all around the world.'
Source: What to expect when you are expecting
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Blaze H
I had immense pain, cracks and bleeding. I found the Thompson Method around 2 weeks in and reached out for help
'We've made it to just over 6 months of breastfeeding! Phoebe is my third child. I breastfed my first daughter for 2 weeks but didn't manage to work through our issues. My second boy we got to over a year but had to overcome a load of hurdles.
This little lady didn't latch until day 2, then I had immense pain, cracks and bleeding. I found the Thompson Method around 2 weeks in and reached out for help. The support from Joanne Thompson and Dr Robyn Thompson was what I needed (and admin of course!). I gave up breastfeeding twice (the second time for a week) after multiple bouts of mastitis and being in pain, whilst juggling young children. But the encouragement and video one-to-ones gave me the boost I needed to keep trying and we have been fine since! Soooo grateful. Thank you x'
Thompson Method Breastfeeding Reviews
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Alex C
My Thompson Method Breastfeeding Review 'I was spiralling badly and in a horrible place'
'Hi everyone! I'm a first time mum to a 3 month old boy, and if you'd told me a month ago that soon I would ENJOY breastfeeding I would have laughed and/or cried at you. I was spiraling badly and in a horrible place.
I'd had shredded nipples, mastitis five times, I was feeding through nipple shields, I had a massive oversupply and was pumping multiple times a day to try to get relief. I wasn't coping and I cried to my husband "I don't want to do this anymore!"
Always the level-headed one, he said "what's one more thing we can try before we stop breastfeeding?" So I bought Dr Robyn's course and joined her club. One month on I no longer have an oversupply, I don't need to pump, I don't use shields, I haven't had any more mastitis or blocked ducts, and the pain is gone!! When he feeds it feels like light tickling or gentle tugging, whereas I used to grit my teeth in pain.
Most importantly, my stress and anxiety around feeding is gone. I actually look forward to our feeds now.
The course is by far the best money I've spent as a new mum'
Would you like to to learn more about how you can be fully prepared and confident about your birth and breastfeeding journey with The Thompson Method?
Join The Thompson Method Facebook Group here
Learn more about The Thompson Method Breastfeeding Course here
Download The Thompson Method Tips on Breastfeeding here
Read Kelly's Breastfeeding Story 'I was a total mess with cracked and bleeding nipples' here
Pamela's story on successfully breastfeeding her third set of twins can be viewed here
Zanna's story on successfully overcoming breastfeeding pain can be viewed here
Joanne's story on successfully breastfeeding after 3 c-sections can be viewed here
Sarah's story on overcoming low milk supply can be viewed here
Emily's story on successfully overcoming forceful techniques can be viewed here
Read More Thompson Method Breastfeeding Reviews here
Watch The Thompson Method Breastfeeding course reviews here
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