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 Breastfeed Pain-Free For As Long As You Choose

String Of Hearts

The gentle approach of The Thompson Method will help you avoid or overcome existing challenges such as nipple pain, low milk supply, a crying unsettled baby and mastitis, so that you can continue to breastfeed pain-free for as long as you choose.


 Breastfeed Pain-Free For As Long As You Choose

String Of Hearts

The gentle approach of The Thompson Method will help you avoid or overcome existing challenges such as nipple pain, low milk supply, a crying unsettled baby and mastitis, so that you can continue to breastfeed pain-free for as long as you choose.





Experiencing a few bumps in the road?

If your breastfeeding journey has not gone as planned so far, it’s not your fault.  Our mission is to focus on helping you gain the confidence and knowledge so that you can smooth out the bumps in the road and get back to the positive breastfeeding experience that you’ve always wanted.  Here are a few ways we help mothers around the world get back to breastfeeding on their terms.

Breastfeeding Program

The Breastfeeding Program

Our online breastfeeding program is designed to help you find proven solutions to challenges including nipple pain, low milk volume and a crying unsettled baby all in one place.


Breastfeeding Rescue

Breastfeeding Rescue

If you're on the verge of giving up, receive personalised help with a one on one Skype Consultation to help to overcome your challenges.  Includes a follow up session and 14 days of one on one guidance and support.



Our Guarantee*

We believe in this program so much that if you don’t experience an improvement after trying our method, just let us know within 14 days of purchase and receive a full refund.

*Does not apply to a Rescue


"But I have Already Tried                     "......

Breastfeeding is a natural process, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.  In fact for many women, breastfeeding is a constant daily battle. Well-meaning information from family, friends and even some health professionals is often conflicting and can be confusing, even overwhelming. If you’re wondering how this method is different from free videos you may have watched, blog articles you’ve read, even information from a health professional, here’s what you should know.

  The Thompson Method is gentle and challenges the forceful techniques commonly taught in hospitals

It's based on the PhD research of Dr Robyn Thompson, 45+ years experience as a midwife and MCHN

 It’s most likely quite opposite to what you will be or have been taught in hospital

▶ It respects the natural skills of your baby and encourages you to discover and follow your maternal instincts.

Dr Robyn Thompson with Breastfeeding Mother


Research has shown that outdated, forceful techniques that are currently being taught in most hospitals are closely linked to nipple pain and trauma. 


I’d prefer to learn more about the breastfeeding program >>

Baby face


"I never thought that I would be able to make this post. My sweet girl is 11 weeks old and we have struggled with our breastfeeding journey since the minute she was born. I have mostly flat nipples, and at the beginning she would not latch on for anything and was losing weight very rapidly. We spoon fed her colostrum in the hospital and ended up exclusively pumping and bottle feeding for the past several weeks. I would use a nipple shield from time to time but I absolutely hated it. I have been a part of this program a few weeks before she was born and felt so prepared, that is until she was born and she decided to not latch. With a lot of patience, love, and tears we are successfully breast-feeding without a nipple shield! we still struggle every once in a while, but my sweet girl has caught on and I could not be more happy!!! "

~ Melissa B

The problem with most breastfeeding information

As mentioned earlier, well-meaning advice from friends and family may result in you feeling pressure to appease them, but this may leave you and your baby in all sorts of trouble. 

The reason why The Thompson Method is different to other resources is that it’s based on PhD research and over 45 years being ‘with’ hundreds of women experiencing a wide range of breastfeeding complications, particularly painful nipple trauma soon after discharge from hospital. 

This is why we are so passionate about sharing information to help breastfeeding mothers reduce pain or avoid having to go through it again.

The evidence from Dr Robyn's research clearly showed that painful nipple trauma was closely linked to forceful techniques that are being taught in most hospitals. Even many health professionals are still teaching these techniques and as a result, many women are experiencing nipple pain when breastfeeding.

But the Thompson Method is not just about the technique.  The research uncovered so many more factors that were contributing to painful and stressful breastfeeding complications for so many women.  And simply put, many of these complications can be overcome.

It’s a holistic and an evidence based approach that’s designed to help you breastfeed without pain for as long as you choose.  It’s important to acknowledge that here will be times when new ‘phases’ present themselves, but with the right education and the support you'll find in our private Facebook group, you'll have every chance of succeeding.

Our aim is for you to feel more confident and reassured to be able to continue breastfeeding for as long as you choose.

Breastfeeding Bad Technique


Whether you’re a first time mum or you’ve been through it all before, The Thompson Method will guide you step by step to help you overcome or reduce the pain and stress of common breastfeeding complications experienced by many women.  Issues like painful damaged nipples, breast engorgement, low milk supply, a crying and unsettled baby; All of these issues, including concerns about whether your baby has a tongue tie, may be overcome by observing a few key principles of The Thompson Method.  

Our online program will help you continue to breastfeed pain-free or with reduced pain and stress, even in the presence of existing trauma or other breastfeeding complications. 


Real Results from Real Students.




"Just wanted to say thank you so very much for the advice I am confidently and happily breastfeeding my 8 week old baby girl. I would have given up if I hadn’t have found you. So thank you so much for making my last baby the most enjoyable breastfeeding experience.”

Second time Mother


"I had my initial consult with Dr Robyn when my daughter was only 8 days old. I had nipple trauma and was suffering excruciating nipple pain every feed which was less than every 2 hours, was battling to keep mastitis and engorged breasts at bay, suffering through blocked ducts and headaches. After my initial reading and consultation I felt such a sense of relief, I actually felt like I might be able to keep breast feeding, prior to the consult I did not feel like I was going to be able to persevere. It took several days, nearly 5 I think, for the nipple trauma to heal and a further1-2 days before I started to experience pain free feeding sessions. But, I knew I was on the right track and since then I have managed to exclusively breast feed, no pumping or supplementing even”

– AMY E..,
First time Mother


Just a little insight our struggles, and how Dr Robyn has helped us!

I had a beautiful smooth breastfeeding relationship with my first daughter, of 14 months. Which only ended in January...When my second daughter was born October this year, I didn’t think we would have any issues breastfeeding as it was so perfect the first time around, we have struggled from day 1. I was so all over the shop, worried & confused with all the different information I was getting from midwives & child health nurses - I found Robyn through a friend, got a Breastfeeding Rescue with Dr Robyn when my daughter was 3 weeks old - I reached out to her in a panic & she contacted me back so fast, I was surprised. We had been admitted to hospital failure to thrive... I just urgently needed help.

We have definitely had bumpy 12 weeks; although my husband is my number one supporter, Robyn is definitely next in line the best support, she is so beautiful & encouraging has always been so helpful with her gentle guidance, making sure I always use my maternal instincts, she’s so knowledgeable, calm, caring & also just full of wonderful stories of past & present experience - I’ve used her support for the last 9 weeks; and in that time I’ve had 3 face to face appointments, 2-3 phone consults, endless questions answered on my feed & even had some of my concerns cleared up at the shops when I bumped into her.. She will always make time to urgently squeeze me in when I have a rough day. I still have her to help & guide us until we are smooth sailing. Which me & my beautiful bub are ever so grateful to have her...If you’re having trouble! Please know you're not alone, Robyn & her team are here to help!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me”

Second time Mother

"For anyone struggling right now... considering doing the Rescue.... do it...

I started when my fifth baby was 11 days old... I thought I knew everything there was to know. I’ve spent the last 7 weeks humbly learning. We’ve had bad latch, breast refusal, wrecked nipples, thrush, mastitis, and a whole lot of fricken pain. I’ve been on the verge of losing my mind multiple times... so defeated by the pain, and anxiety leading up to each excruciating feed.

Panther is 8 weeks old now, and we’re almost there.... one positive step at a time.".

– EDEN C.,
Mother of 5



" I have done this (Breastfeeding Rescue) with my 6 week old son and can 100% say it is worth the money. Robyn and Joanne’s knowledge and commitment to helping you every step of the way is amazing (& priceless). I spent $1000s (literally) on LC’s paediatricians and even a speech pathologist trying get my daughter to feed better, if only I knew about Robyn 3 years ago!”

Second time Mother


As Seen On:

7 News Logo png
Griffith University Logo png
CCP Logo
Natural Parent Magazine
MyMidwives Logo
ABC News Logo
Barwon Health Logo
CDU Logo

Need Professional Advice Now?

Receive one on one personalised breastfeeding help from our team of experienced Thompson Method practitioners.  If your situation requires more than a DIY approach, join the Breastfeeding Rescue Program to receive the guidance and support that you need to get your breastfeeding journey back on track.  Includes a private Skype consultation, where a full breastfeed will be observed, follow up consultation with ongoing personalised support for 14 days.

*Places are strictly limited.  Reserve your place now!


Dr Robyn Thompson Breastfeeding Consultant and Mother

Need Professional Advice Now?

Receive one on one personalised breastfeeding help from our team of experienced Thompson Method practitioners.  If your situation requires more than a DIY approach, join the Breastfeeding Rescue Program to receive the guidance and support that you need to get your breastfeeding journey back on track.  Includes a private Skype consultation, where a full breastfeed will be observed, follow up consultation with ongoing personalised support for 14 days.

*Places are strictly limited.  Reserve your place now!


You Have the Power to be in Control

Whether you’re a first time mum, experienced mum or soon-to-be mum, you have the power to be in control of your breastfeeding journey.  Knowledge is power and is key when it comes to relieving the pain and stress that comes with breastfeeding challenges.  Time,  patience and support is needed and this is why we provide you with breastfeeding guidance and support in our private Facebook Group when you purchase the program.   You’re in the right place.


You Have the Power to be in Control

Whether you’re a first time mum, experienced mum or soon-to-be mum, you have the power to be in control of your breastfeeding journey.  Knowledge is power and is key when it comes to relieving the pain and stress that comes with breastfeeding challenges.  Time,  patience and support is needed and this is why we provide you with breastfeeding guidance and support in our private Facebook Group when you purchase the program.   You’re in the right place.



















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