The Thompson Method Google Reviews
More Thompson Method Breastfeeding Reviews...

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Meken G
After 3 LCs in hospital and a home visit, Dr Robyn Thompson has been the only one who made a difference
'Dr Robyn has been an absolute saviour for me. I've battled with feeding from the get go and after seeing 3 LC's in hospital and a private home visiting LC Robyn has been the only person who has made a difference. I'm not out of the woods yet but Robyn has been so generous with her time that its just a matter of time. She is so knowledgeable and so so supportive. What i would do to go back in time and stock up on her information before birth.'

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leah C
Pregnant mum creating a birth plan in preparation for breastfeeding
'Will be a first time Mumma in March and this puts me so at ease! I will be trying this method when my little girl decides to show and it will be in my birth plan for no one to interfere as I want to breastfeed from the moment she arrives'.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Vicki M
Feeling prepared for baby number two
'Learning with The Thompson Method has been amazing. I feel so much better prepared for bub number 2, I have learnt so much and feel empowered to achieve the very best for my bub and I on our breastfeeding journey. I can't thank all the team at the Thompson Method'.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Nicole A
Successfully breastfeeding at 6 weeks | The Thompson Method Reviews
"Just wanted to send a friendly message to say thank you so much for what you do. Because of your course I have had a very successful breastfeeding journey so far with my now 6 week old. He is so happy and is packing on the Kgs... I definitely wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the Thompson Method️ xx"
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sarah H
How special is this moment, a moment I will never forget
"My husband took this picture. A moment caught in time. My baby feeding from my breast as we relaxed in a warm bath. I was looking at him thinking ‘wow, how special is this moment, a moment I will never forget’. I couldn’t help but go on to think ‘thank God I found the Breastfeeding Program and Dr Robyn, without the Breastfeeding Program and working with Dr Robyn I would never have had this moment’. You see, by the time my baby was 4 weeks old I wasn’t breastfeeding anymore, I was formula feeding, overfeeding, expressing for hours on end, taking medication and in a very stressed state of mind. Dr Robyn & the Breastfeeding Program turned that around for me, and as we lie there in our purest form, as Mother Nature intended, I felt such gratitude for the incredible work of Dr Robyn & her program 💝"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jessica R
Preparing for breastfeeding with flat nipples
"As someone with flat nipples I found that knowing how to prepare them in pregnancy, understanding how to gently work with my baby using the Thompson Method rather than forcing her to my breast, allowing her to follow her instincts to latch etc, helped her to feed well, avoid damage and pain, meant I didn’t feel the need to use shields (as I have seen others advised to do straight up before even trying without).
I felt calm and confident when feeding my baby from the beginning, making it a positive and enjoyable experience from the start"💕

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Elle M
Breastfeeding at 10 months after a C-Section thanks To The Thompson Method
'I wish I had known all of this before having my csection, especially the benefits of delayed cord clamping, which no one ever mentioned in my appointments. I put all my trust into the experts.
I did all I could for my daughter regardless, I cried so many times in hospital trying to get Claire to latch on and feed. But I'm so happy I found the Thompson Method which helped me keep going. We're not perfect with our feed schedule, but I am feeding almost 10 months down the track with no plans of stopping any time soon. I feel very proud to be able to breastfeed and persist, even when I was at one of my lowest points in motherhood.
Thank you Robyn, Jo and team for all you do. 💓💓💓'

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Lora-Leah A
Breastfeeding twins with no pain, after severe nipple damage from previous 9 babies!
“9 breastfed babies, all caused severe damage. All used cross cradle hold. My new twins, two weeks in. No damage. Used Thompson Method from the beginning as best as I knew. Continuing to do better with more advice from Dr. Robyn”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Melissa L
Natural birth, 3 Golden Hours and 10 months in and proudly breastfeeding thanks to The Thompson Method
'I gave birth to my first baby with an epidural given about 30 min before pushing. The drug barely had time to take effect properly but despite that, she slept a lot and would fall asleep on the breast right away. Nurses would then push with forceful techniques and I ended up with nipple trauma within 3 days and was overwhelmed and turned to formula. My second baby, i did a natural birth and had listened to countless hours of your videos for a gentler approach toward breastfeeding. I wanted to succeed so bad! I didn't want what happened the first time to happen again. So, I opted for natural birth, no interruptions for the first 5 hours after labour, and I kindly asked the nurses to let me be and if I needed help I'd ask. To this day, my son is 10 months and im still proudly breastfeeding him! Everything fell into place and was natural! Thank you infinitely for the knowledge you pass on every day ❤️ you played a huge role in our breastfeeding journey!'

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Danielle T
The most successful breastfeeding journey so far THANK YOU
'Hi Dr Robyn, I just wanted to say a quick thankyou. Because of your amazing videos, advice and the information available, I have had the most successful breastfeeding baby since her first breastfeed. This is my third baby, and I had nipples that blistered, bled and scabbed with my first, terrible engorgement and reflux with my second and both babies were unsettled for the first few months. My new baby girl is so settled as I'm reading her cues, letting her feed until she is ready to unlatch herself, and other than the slight initial nipple soreness my nipples are feeling great. So once again thank you for this service.'

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Amanda J
Breastfeeding after c section. 'The Midwives were amazed'
'Thank you so much to Dr Robyn and Joanne Thompson for this course. I had my baby boy on Monday via an emergency c-section. The midwives on the ward are amazed this is my first baby and we are feeding so well. I know that without your research and the course, it would be a whole different story! I feel confident with my breastfeeding journey and appreciate the support you both continue to provide in the private group. THANKS!'

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Danielle B
Emergency C section and a successful first breastfeed I am so grateful
'Hi Robyn. I gave birth to my son by emergency Caesarian yesterday. I completed your online course beforehand and was so desperate to have a successful first feed. Despite the setback of a c-section we still managed to have a successful first feed thanks to what I learnt from you and I am so grateful to you for this so thankyou'

Erica D ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“July 1st I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. She latched with no problem.
One of the nurses told me she would be over to help with getting her latched. The way she taught was all wrong.
I informed her that I wasn't being ugly but I had purchased a very successful program that had taught me how to breastfeed without killing my nipples.
She took the info and came back on Friday telling me how she had researched the info and how interesting it was that she had never heard of this method before. She said she plans to purchase so that she could get all the info and help others do it a better way.
She was amazed at the results I have been having with milk production, my baby weight gain and not having to use formula or a bottle at all.
Thanks for helping me help others!
I'm pretty sure my daughter appreciates this program as well. She's greedy🤣🤣🤣”
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Erica D
Breastfeeding without killing my nipples 'the Nurses were amazed'
'July 1st I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. She latched with no problem.
One of the nurses told me she would be over to help with getting her latched. The way she taught was all wrong.
I informed her that I wasn't being ugly but I had purchased a very successful program that had taught me how to breastfeed without killing my nipples.
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sarah W
2 Lactation Consultants, Tongue Tie Breastfeeding Issues and a Cranio Osteo
'My Mila is 14 days old, we have had what you could call a painful teary first two weeks, Robyn had us feeding from the boob on our first appointment. We had seen 2 Lactation Consultants, the tongue Tie breastfeeding specialist, a cranial osteo & were disappointed. Robyn you are a special person & we love you. We still have a way to go but I know now we WILL get there... forever grateful 💖'

Michaela ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"I was struggling emotionally and physically with breastfeeding after the birth of my child. Every feed was excruciating due to terrible nipple damage and I was becoming anxious each time my baby was due to feed.
Robyn was so kind and supportive to me during this time. She explained simple methods and helped me understand the anatomy of a good attachment so I could better problem solve on my own.
She taught me techniques and together we created a plan. Because of Robyn's support I felt encouraged to persevere and had hope that I could achieve pain free breastfeeding. And I did! I am so grateful for Robyn, she was my breastfeeding angel!"
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Michaela
After an excruciating start, I finally achieved pain-free breastfeeding thanks to The Thompson Mehtod
'I was struggling emotionally and physically with breastfeeding after the birth of my child. Every feed was excruciating due to terrible nipple damage and I was becoming anxious each time my baby was due to feed.'
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Annie L ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"This is not your typical success story but it's my success story. I'm currently standing here typing with my nearly 15 week old son nestled asleep against me in the carrier and as I look at him I so wish he was still breastfeeding but unfortunately he won't anymore. Hold on.....keep reading. This is DEFINITELY a success story and I'd like to share this because success can take different forms and I believe it's important that we celebrate that the path can be different for different people.
Doing the Thompson Method online course and having the support available meant that I was able to have a wonderful birth and feeding experience I may have otherwise missed out on. I was also able to feed my son exclusively for the first weeks of his life which I was not able to do with my first child.
Doing this course enabled me to find my voice as a mum to be able to effectively advocate for my needs and those of my son for the birth. The first time around I had no skin to skin contact and was then separated from my daughter for the first hour and 15 minutes for staffing reasons. I was highly anxious and after a very long labour that resulted in emergency c-section I was exhausted. I was in pain as I fed and in utter confusion in the first days with my precious daughter as I tried to feed her with the mixed information given to me by well-meaning staff. There was the pressure to give formula and I felt I was an observer in my daughter's situation as I didn't have a strong voice to express what we wanted or needed.
This time around, after doing the course, I found a powerful voice and knew what we wanted. I was able to ensure that despite having to have another c-section that I had immediate, uninterrupted and extended skin to skin contact. I felt empowered to speak up and take the lead in the birth and feeding experience. As a result this birth was immensely healing for me and the days following were euphoric as I fed my son with confidence.
Unfortunately for me due to uncontrollable and unavoidable circumstances I was not able to continue to feed past 8 weeks but this is far better than with my daughter. In addition I fed without pain, I looked forward to feeding as opposed to dreading it the way I had with my daughter. I watched my son feed and I cried tears of joy at the feeling of feeding. I cherished each feed with my son and I will be forever grateful that I did the course felt so prepared and supported and therefore was able to create a different path for birth and feeding this time around. The course was amazing as was the Facebook group with Dr Robyn being so responsive, informative and encouraging. Thank you Dr Robyn and team!"
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Annie L
Tears of joy at the feeling of breastfeeding. My breastfeeding success story
"This is not your typical success story but it's my success story. I'm currently standing here typing with my nearly 15 week old son nestled asleep against me in the carrier and as I look at him I so wish he was still breastfeeding but unfortunately he won't anymore. Hold on.....keep reading. This is DEFINITELY a success story and I'd like to share this because success can take different forms and I believe it's important that we celebrate that the path can be different for different people"
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Brooke W
Take it one feed at a time
"I’d say that the consultation with Robyn was worth every penny. I figured it was cheaper than therapy (!!!) and formula in the long run and I REALLY wanted to feed this time around.
I’d also say that take it one feed at a time like Robyn always says and try not to overthink it or put too much pressure on yourself. If you need help ask - yes breastfeeding is natural but it isn’t always easy!!"

Jharna H ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"I started doing Dr Robyn’s course when I was about 24 weeks pregnant after stumbling across it online. We had made a deliberate decision to not read all of the parenting books etc, but I knew that breastfeeding could be a real challenge so thought that was the main thing I should educate myself on.
I worked through all of the video modules while still pregnant (and then watched a few key ones for revision again towards the end) and they were a wealth of information - not just in breastfeeding, but on birth and all it encompasses. I felt empowered, knowledgeable and capable of succeeding
My beautiful girl arrived five days ago and while her arrival took a scary turn and ended up being quite traumatic, I had the knowledge and ability to get my breastfeeding journey off on the right foot despite the challenges we faced.
What I discovered is that there is a CONSTANT parade of people coming through your room after birth - giving you leaflets on all manner of things. It is information overload and I personally found I could not take in very much of it. This confirmed to me that the best time to commence your breastfeeding education is while you are pregnant and still have the ability to take all of that information in! You also receive SO MUCH conflicting advice from every different person who enters the room. It’s best to be confident and secure in your knowledge before bub comes so you can feel strong enough to make your own choices.
I would highly recommend that every pregnant woman complete the online breastfeeding course. It’s definitely worth the investment."
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jharna H
Breastfeeding journey off on the right foot despite challenges at birth | The Thompson Method Breastfeeding Review
"I started doing The Thompson Method Breastfeeding course when I was about 24 weeks pregnant after stumbling across it online. We had made a deliberate decision to not read all of the parenting books etc, but I knew that breastfeeding could be a real challenge so thought that was the main thing I should educate myself on."
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jane
The Thompson Method Breastfeeding Course was pivotal for me in preparing for breastfeeding.
"The Thompson Method Breastfeeding Course was pivotal for me in preparing for breastfeeding. Once I started watching the videos I found them to be very educational and helpful for my knowledge of breastfeeding pre giving birth". Read More

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kelly F
On the verge of giving up breastfeeding until I discovered The Thompson Method | Dr Robyn Thompson Review
'I am working one on one with Dr Robyn Thompson at the minute. After successfully breastfeeding 5 babies, I thought that when baby no 6 came along it would be a breeze. How wrong was i, he had trouble with latching etc, I spent thousands on LC’s, private nurses, free help lines, midwives, tongue tie clinic(which I deeply regret, as it caused my poor baby more issues) after 2 weeks of working with Dr Robyn Thompson, I am successfully breastfeeding my baby, I was about to give up and in total despair, Robyn was my saviour, her knowledge, expertise, kindness and compassion got me through my darkest days when I was on the verge of giving up and feeling like a totally failure. If you have issues, talk to Robyn ASAP, she really is amazing....and like Robyn always says “trust your instincts and you can do this”
Read Kelly's Fully Breastfeeding Story Here

Kelli & Wilson ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"I am confident I would not still be breastfeeding my now four month old son, had a friend not recommended the Thompson Method.
He was five weeks old at the time, and breastfeeding was becoming increasingly more painful for me. I felt very strongly about continuing to breastfeed, but didn’t know the cause of the pain or how to correct it.
I made contact through the website and was able to arrange a skype consultation with Robyn. It was great to speak to someone with so much experience, as well as such a passion for babies and breastfeeding. She was able to work out a plan for us and give us so much valuable information.
Having Robyn’s help in this emotionally and physically demanding newborn phase was amazing. She empowered me with both the knowledge and encouragement I needed in a very difficult time. As a result, Wilson & I are successfully continuing on our breastfeeding journey together."
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kelli & Wilson
Having Dr Robyn’s help in this emotionally and physically demanding newborn phase was amazing.
'I am confident I would not still be breastfeeding my now four month old son, had a friend not recommended the Thompson Method.
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Lauren & Charlie ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
We did it! Baby #2, Charlotte AKA Charlie, is here! She came naturally at 37+6 weeks and I didn’t let anyone touch her, measure her, or take any standard interventions until we had our time together. She immediately nursed for an hour on each side with no assistance from me other than keeping my elbow back and supporting her with my forearm. I can absolutely not believe the instincts that she had - as you promised!
Lactation consultants at the hospital actually said to me, “You really know what you’re doing!” I said, “No, she knows what she’s doing!” We left the hospital after 24 hours with no nipple trauma, no crying from me, no forcing my brand new baby to take an aggressive mouthful of breast that she didn’t want. This experience truly because of your course. THANK YOU!!
We had a weigh-in and at 7 days she had returned to birth weight and at two weeks post-delivery, she gained 15 ounces in just 7 days! Quite the piglet!
Nursing has been an experience I never thought I could have. Thank goodness I found you.
Lauren (and Charlie!)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Lauren & Charlie
Even the Lactation Consultants were impressed
'We did it! Baby #2, Charlotte AKA Charlie, is here! She came naturally at 37+6 weeks and I didn’t let anyone touch her, measure her, or take any standard interventions until we had our time together".
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sarah G
I would have stopped breastfeeding weeks ago. Thank you so much
'Just wanted to post to say thank you sooooo much! I was lucky enough to be able to have 2 face to face appointments with Robyn as well as a few FaceTime appointments and A LOT of msgs!
When I started seeing Dr Robyn my confidence was super low. My nipples incredibly damaged and I was supplementing with formula a lot more often than I wanted to. My right nipple had a split in it and my left was raw skin due to being inverted originally and now everted. I was ready to quit and the Thompson method was my last chance.
I can happily say that Harry is now 11 weeks old and my right nipple is pretty much healed! I used a nipple shield on Robyn’s recommendation and slowly reduced the use. I’m now using it on my Left and gradually watching that heal also. Harry is down to one night time bottle of formula which I am slowly decreasing!
Thank you both so much for everything. I would have stopped weeks ago if it wasn’t for you!!'

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Tamika O
The best decision made as a mother and absolutely worth it
"Just wanted to take a moment to show my appreciation to Dr Robyn and her daughter Jo. Through their support and expert guidance I was able to overcome many obstacles like multiple bouts of mastitis, the use of nipple shields and nipple trauma. I am now feeding my son pain free and we both couldn’t be happier 💙Anyone considering doing the breastfeeding rescue it is the best decision I’ve made so far as a mother and The Thompson Method is worth it. My only regret is that I wished I had done it sooner as I would have saved myself some tears."

Kelly F ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ok ladies, I am writing this post as I sit and reflect on the journey that I started back in June with Dr Robyn, Joanne Thompson, and all the team and hope that if there is anybody who is pregnant and contemplating doing the The Thompson Method course, or is struggling with breastfeeding and considering doing a rescue with Robyn, my story might just help them to take the plunge and give the Thompson Method ago.
My 6th baby, Jacob, came literally "flying" into the world back in May, after successfully breastfeeding my 5 other children, I thought I knew pretty much everything there was to know, I couldn't have been more wrong. My problems began whilst still in hospital(I didn't know that then) from not getting the 3 golden hours to being rushed to get showered and moved to another ward.
My nipples were pretty much damaged before I left the hospital after only 24 hours. Once I was home things quickly spiralled down hill for the worse, Jacob started to take anywhere from 1 to 2 hours to latch, to completely refusing to latch, he would scream the entire time and I would cry silently beside him, thinking that I was the worst Mum. I had cracked bleeding nipples, I was engorged and mentally I was not in a good place, and worst of all Jacob was not gaining any weight.
I quickly got in touch with my midwife, then lactation consultant x2, ECHC nurse(no body could help) then most regretfully a tongue tie clinic, where unfortunately(for our personal journey) we had his tongue snipped, they however damaged his tongue and impacted our breastfeeding journey further. As a nurse myself, this is still hard for me to deal with and accept still.
By this point I was literally pumping every 2 hours, I was trying to use a SNS feeding system, I was topping up from a bottle with expressed milk, I was trying to use nipple shields and I was hours away from the heartbreaking decision to quit breastfeeding, this was heart wrenching for me as I knew that Jacob was my last baby.
It was midnight one saturday night, and I was lying on the sofa googling breastfeeding problems/solutions, and trawling through Facebook for more answers and help. I had the can of formula sitting on the kitchen bench top, with a tear rolling down my cheek. Then this ad came through on Facebook feed "The Thompson Method" I quickly started to scroll through the page and then onto Dr Robyns website.
I thought to myself, Ok try one more thing, so I sent a SOS email, never thinking in a million years I would get a reply. By 9am Sunday morning I had a reply from the marvellous Marie, and by 11am the fabulous Joanne had me on a breastfeeding rescue FaceTime with the amazing Robyn. Before I even started a feed with Robyn Thompson I knew that we were going to be ok, just from her introduction to that we would be doing and how we were going to achieve what I wanted. I cried and cried, I had found what I had been looking for.
I straight away felt heard, loved, supported, not judged and I knew we were in safe hands. On that first FaceTime , Robyn achieved what NO ONE else could, she got my little man latched, pain free and no screaming or refusal. I was gobsmacked as I was a bit skeptical about the full video calling thing and I was literally ready to jump on the next flight to Brisbane from Sydney.
She explained that everything we were going to do to get my little man exclusively breastfeeding, and that through it all my mental health and my mothering instinct was the most important thing. She shared her knowledge, compassion, her valuable time, just to name a few. Robyn taught me how to pump and bottle feed properly while we were getting the breastfeeding established, nothing was ever too much to ask, not just of Robyn but also Joanne and the team.
So what was the outcome............ After 2 1/12- 3 weeks Robyn had Jacob exclusively breastfeeding from both breasts with no top ups from bottles, no SNS, no nipple shields and today my little chunky monkey will 6 months next week and is thriving.
I wish I had've know about Robyns online course while I was pregnant, I know I wouldn't of been through half the battles I have been and I would have saved thousands on everyone/everything else.
Robyn didn't only empower me to succeed as a mum to breastfeed, but she also ignited a fire inside of me to want to help other Mum's out there, this week I have just started training to become a breastfeeding consultant in hoping that I can help anyone else, even if its just one person.
Robyn, Joanne and the full team, I will be forever grateful for everything you done for me, there is never enough words to describe how grateful I actually I am.
PS soooooooooo sorry for the long post, its hard to condense this type of thing!!!! hugs as always xxxxxxx
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kelly F
Hours away from the heartbreaking decision to quit breastfeeding baby #6
"Ok ladies, I am writing this post as I sit and reflect on the journey that I started back in June with Dr Robyn, Joanne Thompson and all the team and hope that if there is anybody who is pregnant and contemplating doing the The Thompson Method breastfeeding course, or is struggling with breastfeeding and considering doing a rescue with Robyn, my story might just help them to take the plunge and give the Thompson Method ago."
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Melisah ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"I was lucky enough to come across Robyn's services when my second son, Aydan, was around 4 months old. I had experienced difficulty breastfeeding with both of my children, resulting in nipple trauma, which was not only very painful but also caused me quite a bit of emotional turmoil as well.
In my experiences before Robyn, I found many midwives had different approaches to attachment and I always remember thinking to myself that this was supposed to be a natural process but the way I had been shown just seemed so forced and unnatural.
Upon meeting Robyn and hearing all about her philosophy on breastfeeding and seeing how warmly she responded to both myself and Aydan, I just knew I had struck gold.
Robyn is extremely gentle and caring and The Thompson Method just really makes sense. It felt much more natural to me and I am only sorry I hadn't met Robyn sooner!
Thank you Robyn for sharing your wealth of knowledge with me, I will be forever grateful for the valuable lessons you have taught me."
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Melisah
Many midwives each had a different breastfeeding approach
"I was lucky enough to come across Robyn's services when my second son, Aydan, was around 4 months old. I had experienced difficulty breastfeeding with both of my children, resulting in nipple trauma, which was not only very painful but also caused me quite a bit of emotional turmoil as well."
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Manu O ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
“Luckily I discovered the Thompson Method before I delivered so I went into the hospital prepared. I had an elective caesarean and I told the Midwife on duty that I wanted uninterrupted skin on skin immediately after birth and to be allowed to BF on my own. Immediately after birth, they did the APGAR scoring which I didn’t mind and handed baby immediately over and we were rolled into recovery together. In recovery, a LC was waiting and a Midwife from the theatre, she immediately held baby’s head and shoved it to the nipple. It happen so fast that I told her I got this, pushed her hand away and thankfully baby latched on. For the entire duration of my stay, they allowed me to bf without interruptions and would always just ask how we were going and if I had questions to ask. I was lucky enough to have a really good experience. However, it would’ve been a different story had I not have discovered The Thompson Method.”
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Manu
The midwife held the baby’s head and shoved it onto the breast
'Luckily I discovered the Thompson Method before I delivered so I went into the hospital prepared. I had an elective caesarean and I told the Midwife on duty that I wanted uninterrupted skin on skin immediately after birth and to be allowed to BF on my own.
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Maggie S
From screaming at my breast to a one year old and still successfully breastfeeding
"I want to give Dr. Robyn Thompson a HUGE thank you!!! My son just turned 1 year old on this past Monday and we are still successfully breastfeeding thanks to your help at about the 1 month mark. Our journey started with him just SCREAMING at the breast until I just had to give him a bottle, sometimes up to 20 minutes of screaming. Then, with your help, we transitioned to fully on the breast! With the exception of bottles at daycare, he only gets the breast at home. He's off course eating solids (and loving it) but he's still a booby boy. I know the time is quickly approaching where he won't want to nurse so I am staying thankful got every day we get at this point. THANK YOU Dr. Robyn, I think I would've given up if it hadn't been for your help!!!"

Annie M ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
My labour/induction went as well as can be expected. The support from staff in a moral sense was phenomenal, could tell they really cared and were there for bubs and I when we needed. Breast feeding support was... well, not really "support" if I'm honest.
They did the whole sandwich my boob in one hand and grab baby's head with the other and try to shove baby's head on to my boob after putting my nipple on his nose. That was very stressful. He also had jaundice and my partner even said his eyes are very yellow but they discharged us anyway, then we had to go back in 2 days later and stay for 3 nights for, guess what... Severe jaundice. This affected feeding as well, as bubs was so tired.
Once we were home the third time around, I had developed mastitis really badly and started shaking and couldn't get warm so we had to go back to hospital AGAIN which took forever.
All in all we had a pretty bumpy first week-and-a-half, I felt like they rushed to get me and bubs out, but after I discovered the Thompson Method my breast feeding got 100x easier, although that was 2 months after bubs was born, so my poor nipples were nearly ready to give up. Couldn't be more thankful I found this page
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Annie M
After discovering The Thompson Method, breastfeeding got 100x easier | The Thompson Method Breastfeeding Review
"My labour/induction went as well as can be expected. The support from staff in a moral sense was phenomenal, could tell they really cared and were there for bubs and I when we needed. Breast feeding support was... well, not really "support" if I'm honest."
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Eden C ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
It’s 9am and I sit here, overwhelmed with gratitude for all Robyn and Jo’s help.
I’ve posted here before, and I’ll continue to share our journey so that other mamas know that breastfeeding is achievable... you can do this...
We’ve been through bad latch, tongue and lip tie laser, breast aversion, split and bleeding nipples for over 8 weeks, mastitis, thrush, low weight gain, top ups, and low supply.At almost 14weeks our tiny little man weighs only 4.9kg... but thanks to Robyn’s support and knowledge, he’s gained 390g in the last thirteen days... through breastfeeding alone. That’s such a massive relief, given a week before that he’d gained only 50g in seven days. We’re finally breaking out of the 0000’s in size rather than length.
Panther is our fifth baby, I’ve breastfed four children and felt rather self assured that I’d experienced it all... and this kid definitely showed me I was over confident.
Dr Robyn was incredibly gracious and understanding, at no point of our journey did I feel judged, and during the really tough times she was available to me 24/7 without fail.
Whilst I have family support, and my husband too, Robyn and her team truly understood my determination to breastfeed despite how many times I was tempted to give up. I really think that’s something that is crucial in all this, because it’s not many others who truly understand the emotional turmoil that goes hand in hand with the physical pain... I never really wanted to stop, but when you can’t see a solution in the near future it feels impossible.
Whatever is going on in your life right now, whether it be lack of support, time restrictions, finances, stress, allergies... just contact Jo, she’ll help with whatever barriers you are experiencing. Nothing is more important than breastfeeding your baby comfortably right now 💗
If you have been considering purchasing one of Dr Robyn’s courses honestly just do it, you will be so glad you did!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Carla V
The Thompson Method is revolutionary and should be the new norm
I cannot begin to thank Dr Robyn, the team, and Joanne enough. The support is unparalleled. When everything seemed out of sorts with COVID-19 back in March, with quarantine and my state being one the first to have cases, followed by NY, I felt alone, scared . As it meant prenatal classes weren't going to be available. What did it mean for me and my baby?
I found Dr Robyn's method through an an on Facebook by chance. I immediately went through it and purchased within 2 weeks.
With the method I found a back bone. During unprecedented times, pandemic and all i switched doctors in the middle of pregnancy. I advocated for myself and my baby, without fear and guilt.
My body, my baby.
My fiancee benefited too. We studied together - in case something happened to me he was prepared to advocate on my behalf and our daughter's.
This method us revolutionary and should be the new norm.

Courtenay L ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"I just had my first breastfeeding rescue consultation with Dr Robyn and prior to that was assisted greatly by Joanne Thompson.
She’s brilliant ladies. Patient, empathetic and non-judgmental.
She has helped me and more to the point EDUCATED and EMPOWERED me more in 2 hours than anyone since my first child in 2011.
So no grabbing at and milking my breasts like everyone else tries to do and has done in the past.
She keeps saying whatever we do it’s for your mental health first and foremost.
One feed at a time.
At my pace so we’re not repeating any trauma from past experiences.
She’s also explained WHY my nipples were being damaged and exactly how to fix it. Today I had no nipple trauma.
It was literally all in such minor tweaks but those minor little details make all the difference.
I’m still nervous about tonight. But I know these guys have my back
He’s been sleeping for 3 hours and counting - probs the best feed of his life.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Courtenay L
Patient, empathetic and non-judgmental
"I just had my first breastfeeding rescue consultation with Dr Robyn and prior to that was assisted greatly by Joanne Thompson.
She’s brilliant ladies. Patient, empathetic and non-judgmental.
She has helped me and more to the point EDUCATED and EMPOWERED me more in 2 hours than anyone since my first child in 2011.
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Sarah B ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"My baby came 4 weeks early and it was a fast labour full of intervention (forceps and episiotomy). I didn’t even get to hold her for longer than 30 seconds before she was taken to the NICU as she wasn’t breathing well on her own. I didn’t get my first skin to skin until she was 24 hours old and even then it was only for an hour as she needed to be back in with her breathing support.
I spent all the time I could with her and after 3 weeks I was finally able to take her home. Fast forward and she is 7.5months old now and thriving, we both love breastfeeding. I found that this method really helped me have the confidence to trust both my instincts and my babies when it came to feeding.
I may not have had the birth I wanted but I have had the breastfeeding journey I wanted and to me that’s far more important"
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sarah B
I didn't get my 3 Golden hours but here we are 7.5 months old and thriving
"My baby came 4 weeks early and it was a fast labour full of intervention (forceps and episiotomy). I didn’t even get to hold her for longer than 30 seconds before she was taken to the NICU as she wasn’t breathing well on her own.
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Amy E ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I had my initial consult with Dr Robyn when my daughter was only 8 days old. I had nipple trauma and was suffering excruciating nipple pain every feed which was less than every 2 hours, was battling to keep mastitis and engorged breasts at bay, suffering through blocked ducts and headaches. After my initial reading and consultation I felt such a sense of relief, I actually felt like I might be able to keep breast feeding, prior to the consult I did not feel like I was going to be able to persevere.
It took several days, nearly 5 I think, for the nipple trauma to heal and a further1-2 days before I started to experience pain free feeding sessions.
But, I knew I was on the right track and since then I have managed to exclusively breast feed, no pumping or supplementing even. We still have our battles and I always have tonnes of questions but I know I can just post them and have almost instant access to Dr Robyn and her team. I sent my initial enquiry to dr Robyn at 7.30pm one night and I had an almost immediate response from her team and a video response from Dr Robyn herself within 12 hours.
It was a Saturday night and I didn’t even know how I was going to make it though the weekend until Monday before I could ring someone. I felt so received and have been so well supported.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Amy E
Relief and back on track after nipple trauma, engorgement and mastitis | The Thompson Method Reviews
'I had my initial consult with Dr Robyn when my daughter was only 8 days old. I had nipple trauma and was suffering excruciating nipple pain every feed which was less than every 2 hours, was battling to keep mastitis and engorged breasts at bay, suffering through blocked ducts and headaches. After my initial reading and consultation I felt such a sense of relief, I actually felt like I might be able to keep breast feeding, prior to the consult I did not feel like I was going to be able to persevere.
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Esther K
Breastfeeding well after VBAC thanks to The Thompson Method
Hi 💞 from RBH, Brisbane. Announcing the birth of our little Clara last night, via a perfect VBAC (vaginal birth after section). 2nd bub, and thanks to Dr Robyn Thompson's teachings - Clara is feeding well 🤗

Susie P ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I have seen a lot of posts about people using nipple shields lately and I just wanted to share our story! I had a rough labour and wasn’t able to be with my be with my baby for the first day, I had colostrum that was expressed antenatally and syringe fed to my baby. This affected our breastfeeding journey significantly and baby was not able to latch. We were given a nipple shield and sent home from the hospital after just 2 days, and told to get a pump and bottles.
There were lots of tears as I felt I couldn’t feed my baby and was ready to give up, I finally managed to get Xavier to latch onto the nipple shield one night, but I knew this was not how I wanted to feed my baby.
I had followed Dr Robyn throughout my pregnancy but I honestly just thought that breastfeeding would happen and that I wouldn’t have any problems!
When my baby was 4 days old I made contact with Joanne Thompson and she organised a Breastfeeding Rescue, it absolutely rescued us!
I just wanted to thank Dr Robyn and her Team profusely! It’s been about 2 weeks since (with Dr Robyns help) I have managed to get my baby feeding without the nipple shield completely. I was at my wits end and so frustrated before Dr Robyn reassured me.
My MCHN informed me that my baby also has a tongue and lip tie and advised me to get it cut, I have not, and will not have it revised, The Thompson Method has been amazing in keeping me from getting sore nipples, as he had quite a shallow latch to begin with, but with Dr Robyns help we managed to improve his latch and I am enjoying feeding my baby now.
If it wasn’t for Dr Robyn I definitely would have given up, I cant thank her enough!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Susie P
No longer breastfeeding with a nipple shield
"I have seen a lot of posts about people using nipple shields lately and I just wanted to share our story! I had a rough labour and wasn’t able to be with my be with my baby for the first day, I had colostrum that was expressed antenatally and syringe fed to my baby. This affected our breastfeeding journey significantly and baby was not able to latch. We were given a nipple shield and sent home from the hospital after just 2 days, and told to get a pump and bottles.
There were lots of tears as I felt I couldn’t feed my baby and was ready to give up, I finally managed to get Xavier to latch onto the nipple shield one night, but I knew this was not how I wanted to feed my baby.
I had followed Dr Robyn Thompson throughout my pregnancy but I honestly just thought that breastfeeding would happen and that I wouldn’t have any problems!"
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Patricia ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I would I would like to say thank you for all the Amazing effort you put into the website, Facebook, the online package.
Everything is user friendly...
I would like to thank Dr Robyn Thompson for her very warm, genuine guidance, teaching me the Thompson method. I struggled for 5 weeks with extreme nipple trauma, I wish I had met or heard of her method during my pregnancy.
At the hospital in post natal ward I wasn't really taught how to breast feed, a lot of the midwives did it for me. They would force my baby on. I had one lady teach me to let him find it and make his way but she was on shift twice in my time so I forgot and it was all new to me. In hospital I had two lactation nurses visit me, but that was more about timing/programming my feeds.
About ten days after leaving the hospital I had a nurse visit me and watch my feed. I told her that I couldn't get it and breast feeding was very uncomfortable on the nipple and my breast always felt bruised. I continued to have mis shaped nipples as my son would come off the breast. She advised me "if it's not painful it's ok"...
The next day I had a high fever, shivers and felt extremely weak, for 24 hours. My breast were always hot and swollen, not knowing what the problem was.
I had a home doctor visit me, she told me that I had developed mastitis. I went on a 5 day course of Antibiotics. I felt better within 24 hours.Still going on about my feeding, it was a big struggle for me but I just pushed through I had another nurse visit me she sat and watched my feeding again. She said "he's putting on weight, that's a good sign, feed how ever you feel comfortable, and before every feed. Just pull out your nipple before he attaches."
This was a little bit of help however, I was not confident or comfortable. I called a lactation consultant who was highly recommend to me. She came and taught me the cross cradle technique properly as the others were telling me what ever way works. However I had no idea of a way I was just hoping for the best each feed.This consultant wrote down for me the step by step process of the cross cradle technique.
I didn't have the strength to carry him properly in my right arm for my left breast. She told me that I will need to get used to it. It's a technique she's been teaching for 25 years and works best for nipple trauma.
I felt satisfied that I had someone guide me step by step, even though I had been doing it before, I just wanted 1-1 teaching and time.
She said my nipples were so tramatised because my son had a tongue tie. She was so quick to refer me to a place and asked me if I wanted to make the booking through her. I instantly I felt anxious and hurt at the thought of doing such a procedure. I told her I will think about it. The next 24 hours feeding him step by step cross cradle, I ended up with blisters and more damage to my nipples, I was in tears ready to give up.
My mid wife referred me to Dr Robyn Thompson. I was a bit skeptical at first and just considered giving up.I am so glad to have met Dr Robyn, and her intuitive method. She is so heavenly, and graceful. Her method is so natural, my pain has reduced, I still suffer pain but this is due to the trauma prior.
If only I had met her before... Feeding is no longer a boobie war, feeding was a battle field. Robyn has guided me through, has spent devoted time genuinely caring for my feeds. When I want to give up she is my strength, and my pillar to continue such a beautiful gift.
Robyn instills confidence in you and reassures you your strength as a mother. Her approach is so holistic it's amazing. Something I thought never existed...
Breastfeeding your child is the most beautiful gift, however doing it through pain is a no go. It's traumatic, physically and emotionally. I refuse to leave the house because of the pain...
I am still trying to heal my traumatised nipples, and I believe breastfeeding in the beginning is a team effort thing for you, your child and your support network.
Robyn is the one and only support network I would recommend.I have learnt so much from Robyn personally and from her team who have supplied video footage. I have played the video package on repeat. To learn and master such a natural technique.
The teachers are not teaching us correctly.
It is something so instinctive yet has been messed up unfortunately. I want to conclude, The Dr Robyn Thompson technique, is to be spread and shared between ALL women,. Brothers, husbands and father's.We need this network widely shared.
Robyn you are an earth angel. I wish you and your team all the blessings one can get.
Thanks a million.️️️
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Patricia
Breastfeeding is the most beautiful gift
"I would like to thank Dr Robyn Thompson for her very warm, genuine guidance, teaching me the Thompson method. I struggled for 5 weeks with extreme nipple trauma, I wish I had met or heard of her method during my pregnancy".
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Charlotte R
Exclusively breastfeeding and so happy. My breastfeeding story with The Thompson Method
The Breastfeeding Rescue Program saved our breastfeeding. I was lucky enough to have a really good labour experience with minimal intervention, so I thought I had got through the hardest part of having a newborn. Little did I know that breastfeeding was going to be our biggest challenge. After six weeks of trying and trying to get my little man on the breast and not being successful, I found Robyn. Joining this group and reading about Robyn's experience and research I knew that I had found someone who could help me. Talking to Jo confirmed this for me and I quickly joined the Breastfeeding Rescue Program and had my consult with Robyn the next day. I was blown away with how quickly we saw improvement, during the consult I had my little man feeding for the first time. Robyn gave me the confidence and advice to succeed with our breastfeeding journey and I am happy to say that I am exclusively breastfeeding and am so happy. A big thank you to Robyn, Jo and team for helping me.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Lauren L
If you are asking yourself does The Thompson Method work? I'm proof that it does...
I had never successfully breastfed any of my other 2 children past the first few days so I was determined to breastfeed my daughter Lola for as long as I possibly could. I found Robyn by chance when Lola was 5 months old after someone posted that she was searching for mums who were struggling to feed babies with tongue ties. I had already had my daughters tie corrected a week or so before but was still having issues. I met with dr Robyn and her team and it was the start of everything happening so beautifully and naturally when it came to breastfeeding. They were always there for me when I needed them for support and any little issues arose. I wish I had known about the
Thompson Method breastfeeding course from the very start! Still breastfeeding Lola at 14 months now and no stopping us ❤️❤️❤️

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kate M
Breastfeeding at 11 months and never thought I’d get this far
I worked 1-1, she was amazing, I can not recommend her enough! I’m just stopping feeding now and my baby is 11 months old on Sunday ❤️ I never thought I’d get this far! Thank you 😊😊😊

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Claire D
Thompson Method Breastfeeding Review 'So much more confidence in my breastfeeding journey ahead'
"I have also completed Dr Robyn’s exclusive program and I can’t tell you how much I have been educated in both! I started the course when I was around 26 weeks and I just took my time with it and now I have all of the resources at my fingertips that I can go back and watch later if I need to refresh on something. Dr Robyn will always answer personally any questions that arise or if you don’t fully understand something. I’m now 36 weeks pregnant and I can’t wait to put everything that I have learned into practice with my baby. I was so blind about everything and now I feel like my eyes are wide open and I have so much more confidence in my journey ahead."
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Julie H
My breastfeeding journey started off on the right foot
"Just want to thank Robyn Thompson, Joanne Thompson and their team for the incredible work they’ve done creating this program and offering their support when needed. I wholeheartedly feel that by following the Thompson method my breastfeeding journey started off on the right foot and it’s been 6 months in and still going strong. There were some rough patches in the beginning but we made it through. I had these milk bath photos taken to commemorate this milestone. I wanted to give credit where credit is due! The best thing I can do is share this knowledge and recommend this program to every pregnant mother who will listen! Thank you!"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jennifer D
On the verge of giving up due to severe nipple pain
"I love looking down and finding my baby staring up at me. Thank you Thompson Method for getting us here despite a traumatic, extremely painful beginning! We're at 3 months exclusively breastfeeding now. I was on the verge of giving up due to severe pain, but encouragement from my mom led me down a YouTube trail that landed me at the Thompson Method videos. So thankful for this group! We're 100% pain free and breastfeeding is now one of my favorite parts of being a mom.

Anna D ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I just have a little bit of a mom brag because I am SO PROUD of my boobies and SO THANKFUL for this method!
I’ll start by saying that I had a pretty traumatic delivery. I hemorrhaged and ended up losing 1.5liters of blood and going unconscious. I did not get to hold my son (other than briefly while my husband cut his cord) until he was 4.5 hours old, and even then it was a very short time until a few hours later. I was told by every doctor I saw in the hospital and my son’s pediatrician that due to my blood loss they did not expect my milk to come in for 10-14 days IF it came in at all.
Well today my son turned one month old. He has had no formula, but did have a little donor milk in the hospital. Yesterday we had to buy a second deep freezer JUST for breast milk. I will be going back to work after 12 weeks so I wanted to start a freezer supply.
Today I have 420oz of breast milk in the deep freezer.
I don’t know if it’s genetics, this method, luck, or some combination of the three, but I am SO thrilled. With the fear of not getting my supply, and then the pain I was having the first 2.5 weeks, I never set a goal for myself for how long I would like to breastfeed my son.
Today I’ve decided to make that goal for the first year of his life and I cannot wait time accomplish that!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Anna D
A new goal of exclusively breastfeeding for one year | Dr Robyn Thompson Review
"I just have a little bit of a mom brag because I am SO PROUD of my boobies and SO THANKFUL for this method!
I’ll start by saying that I had a pretty traumatic delivery. I hemorrhaged and ended up losing 1.5liters of blood and going unconscious. I did not get to hold my son (other than briefly while my husband cut his cord) until he was 4.5 hours old, and even then it was a very short time until a few hours later. I was told by every doctor I saw in the hospital and my son’s pediatrician that due to my blood loss they did not expect my milk to come in for 10-14 days IF it came in at all. "
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Andy R ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Just wanted to quickly jump on here and say a big thank you to Dr Robyn and her phenomenal team for the amazing work they do day in and day out to support us mumma’s.
I am a FTM to a beautiful little daughter Evie born 26/06/2020. I had a dream pregnancy and an epic all natural water birth. I was never concerned about labour and birth nor was I concerned about changing nappies, sleep deprivation and the like that comes with looking after a newborn baby.
I was however concerned about how hard breastfeeding can be and the pain it can cause. I was so determined to get educated and collectively use my intuition. I therefore began researching and am so glad I came across The Thompson’s Method.
I can wholeheartedly say that having watched every video I could get my hands on through Dr Robyn’s program as well as reading posts and comments on the FB groups whilst I was pregnant, I felt as prepared as I could possibly be. I even included a section in my birth plan/map on breastfeeding in the first 24-48 hours based on my learnings so that it was crystal clear to the hospital staff what I wanted.
Since my little girl has been earthside with me over the last week I have implemented so many of The Thompson’s Method breastfeeding techniques and teaching (including swaddling so that she can still move her arms and use her moro reflex!) and I am so pleased to say that I have had NO nipple trauma, breastfeeding has been so enjoyable and pain free and my little girl is also loving every minute of it. My fears of breastfeeding are no longer there.
Whilst I was in hospital I had one midwife quickly try and force Evie onto my boob and told me to point my nipple up towards her nose. In that split second moment I was able to quickly, politely and confidently ask that she didn’t handle her and that I wanted to do it a different way. I was pretty proud of myself for being able to speak up and I have Dr Robyn and her team to thank for that.
So so so grateful I came across Dr Robyn and her work. Thank you! 🤱🏼💕
(Photo of Evie and I during the ‘3 Golden Hours’ where she fed perfectly for over two hours’)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Andy R
No more fears of breastfeeding
"Just wanted to quickly jump on here and say a big thank you to Dr Robyn and her phenomenal team for the amazing work they do day in and day out to support us mumma’s.
I am a FTM to a beautiful little daughter Evie born 26/06/2020. I had a dream pregnancy and an epic all natural water birth. I was never concerned about labour and birth nor was I concerned about changing nappies, sleep deprivation and the like that comes with looking after a newborn baby.
I was however concerned about how hard breastfeeding can be and the pain it can cause. I was so determined to get educated and collectively use my intuition. I therefore began researching and am so glad I came across The Thompson’s Method."
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A strong foundation of knowledge
"My sweet Marin is home now after just over two days on the ward with some absolutely fantastic midwives looking after us! While respecting my requests for ample time to work things out naturally and gently with bub, their offered guidance and suggestions were very much appreciated(some worked for us and some didn't).

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Laura
Breastfeeding The Fourth Time Around
After falling pregnant for the fourth time, Laura decided to do some research into how she could increase her chances of breastfeeding success. "I watched YouTube videos of babies latching and read up on the Thompson Method which provides insight into successful, pain free. breastfeeding," says Laura."I desperately wanted my 4th attempt to succeed, as this could be my last pregnancy."
Now, 16 weeks in, Laura is successfully feeding her daughter, and, while at time challenging, she's gaining confidence every day. "I can’t say how many times I “quit” breastfeeding," she says, "but I am so proud that I’ve managed to persevere."
Source: MilkBar

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Pamela K
Breastfeeding my third set of twins for a year thanks to The Thompson Method
"What a journey! Breastfeeding my third set of twinnies for a year. Sometimes you feel like it will last forever and then all of a sudden you realize it’s mostly over. WHAT?!Breastfeeding is such a short time in a child’s life, but man.... the deep bonds, emotional ties, mental energy, calories consumed and physical demands is something a mama will never forget. I am so thankful my breastfeeding journey isn’t over yet with these 2. The Thompson Method has made that journey for the 3 of us so much richer. Education, Learning, Help and Support and Success (individual to each unique story). I don’t doubt for a second that the Thomson Method will be at the forefront of doubling breastfeeding rates around the world! This is a word class program I have been so happy to be apart of with my babies.

Lydia H ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"Thank you the Thompson Method for guiding Billie and I to successfully exclusive breastfeeding (with the addition of big people food all the way to 11 months, 2 weeks, 3 days and roughly 4.5 hours of Billie and I totally rocking this boobie gig!
Through low supply, excess birth weight lost, premature c section birth, opioid effected baby, necessary medications, shallow latching, teething, and everything in between!
And you know what? Even through all that I knew I was supported, I knew my baby was ok, and I knew I was doing all the right things.
Joining the Thompson Method village around half way through my fourth and final pregnancy was the best antenatal decision I made.
This picture was taken of us over the weekend, both of us entirely oblivious to it and completely enthralled in our time boobing on the beach while my 3 beautiful boys paddled in the ocean near by 💚 this is what it’s all about 💗 we both have no end in sight for this amazing nurturing & nourishing journey we are on together and we couldn’t be happier (or healthier) mumma’s currently having difficulties;
I promise you’re in the right place and you will get through. If I did, you totally can too xox"
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Lydia H
Exclusive breastfeeding for 11 months, 2 weeks, 3 days and 4.5 hours
"Thank you the Thompson Method for guiding Billie and I to successfully exclusive breastfeeding (with the addition of big people food all the way to 11 months, 2 weeks, 3 days and roughly 4.5 hours of Billie and I totally rocking this boobie gig!
Through low supply, excess birth weight lost, premature c section birth, opioid effected baby, necessary medications, shallow latching, teething, and everything in between!
And you know what? Even through all that I knew I was supported, I knew my baby was ok, and I knew I was doing all the right things.
Joining the Thompson Method village around half way through my fourth and final pregnancy was the best antenatal decision I made
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Candice
6 months of exclusive breastfeeding for baby number 5 after discovering The Thompson Method
Celebrating 6 months of exclusive breast feeding thanks to this wonderful group and discovering the Thomson Method. This is my beautiful boy Leo, baby number 5. I’ve never made it this far previously so I’m super proud

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Abb92
Breastfeeding Rescue assists mums on getting bub back on the boob
I’m not sure whether this is an option for you, but there is a program called the Thompson method. Robyn Thompson provides help to mums with breastfeeding, my LO struggled to breast feed for the first 2 weeks and the program helped a lot. They do offer a breastfeeding rescue program, where they assist mums on helping bub get back on the boob.
At the least it might be worth a look, they help Mums all around the world.

Carrie G ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I gave birth to my first child on 22nd August. It took myself and partner over 8 years to conceive. We tried IVF 3 times and then ended up conceiving naturally. Obviously I was very excited about finally being pregnant but I was nervous about being a good mum.
A lot of friends and family members said they had struggled with breastfeeding which is why I decided to purchase the course. The birth itself didn’t go at all to plan, 24hr labour, problems along the way and ending in an emergency c-section. I have to say NHS surgeons were great and my baby boy was born safe and sound. The golden hours after the c was great, lovely skin to skin with a very long first feed.
Although after 7 days I’m still fine tuning things, my breastfeeding journey has made a great start. He was weighed on day 5 and I was told to expect a 10% reduction of his birth weight which was 3.81kg. Not only did he not lose weight, he’s put on 700g. He is a hungry little man and I’m so glad that the feeding is going so well.
When I was in hospital after the c, I was on a ward with 10 other women. Out of those women only 1 other person was breastfeeding without a problem, all of the other women had issues. I think I’m very lucky to have a baby that feeds so well but I also know that the course gave me the knowledge and confidence to be ready. I think it’s so sad that so many women struggle at such an important time and I’m so thankfully for the information this course has given me.
Thanks from a grateful mum, dad and baby Logan!
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Carrie G
3 Golden Hours and breastfeeding even after an emergency c section | The Thompson Method Reviews
"I gave birth to my first child on 22nd August. It took myself and partner over 8 years to conceive. We tried IVF 3 times and then ended up conceiving naturally. Obviously I was very excited about finally being pregnant but I was nervous about being a good mum.
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Temira J
Knowledge, confidence and support thanks to The Thompson Method
"We made it! 12 weeks of EBF!! After a heartbreaking breastfeeding experience with our first born, my initial goal was to just get to 3 months EBF if I could. And we made it and so now I have to set a new goal cause we’re sure not giving up yet!!!! And it’s all thanks to this program that gave me the knowledge, and more importantly, the CONFIDENCE to get to this point!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Beck M
1 year of exclusive breastfeeding.
I made it. Tomorrow marks one year of breastfeeding thanks to the Thompson method.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Caroline J
No tongue-tie issues breastfeeding and no nipple shield needed
I just delivered my son at 37 weeks and he ended up having to be rushed straight to the NICU. He wasn’t able to feed for the first 24 hours and by the time he could, it wasn’t perfect. However, this program gave me the confidence, knowledge and patience to work with him to get it right. Out of pure curiosity, I did end up meeting with the hospital lactation consultant who, to my horror, IMMEDIATELY informed me my son had a tongue tie that needed to be fixed, said I would HAVE to use a shield with him and then tried to have me grab the back of his head and shove him on me. No! I politely thanked her and asked her to give me some time. She came back today in disbelief that he has fed repeatedly with no shield, no tongue tie issues and is getting fully satisfied each time. Rest and digest for the win! Thank you Thompson Method!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jess
The Thompson Method Breastfeeding Reviews | Miserable to happy in 24 hours.
I failed miserably to breastfeed my first. A friend recommended The Thompson Method, said she had amazing success. I purchased the course a few weeks ago, I’m studying it like a crazy woman lol. I am so excited to say that I can’t wait for my LO to arrive so I can start implementing what I have learned. Everything makes so much sense and I feel so prepared this time
Source: BabyCentre
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ FTM, South Africa
The Thompson Method completely changed my life and saved my breastfeeding journey.
Dr Thompson is a nurse with a LOT of experience. She bases her advice on evidence-based research that she conducted herself.
Her approach is gentle and straightforward. Within 24 hours, I was breastfeeding pain-free. Simply by following the advice on her Facebook group.
Another few months and I had managed to wean my son from the nipple shield. I was getting more sleep, my breasts had healed and my son was healthy.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Catherine E
6 Months Pain-Free Breastfeeding with The Thompson Method, I'm so proud
Today marks 6 months of pain-free breast feeding all thanks to the programme, videos and admin team. In the UK, breastfeeding rates are so slow so I'm proud to have made it this far! Thank you Dr Robyn and team