Why you should focus on breastfeeding BEFORE you have your baby
The truth is that hospital polices and procedures are not always in the best interests of the breastfeeding mother and her baby. Being well informed and confident has never been more important for a pregnant women preparing to give birth and breastfeed her baby.
Here are 3 reasons why it’s necessary to prepare for breastfeeding:
▶ Preparing for Your Journey Evidence-based education supports a positive feeding experience with your newborn. The Thompson Method provides practical knowledge and techniques to help you navigate early feeding with confidence.
▶ The Value of Early Learning Learning about breastfeeding during pregnancy allows you to focus on bonding with your baby immediately after birth. Our comprehensive education fits into your schedule now, providing tools and understanding for your future breastfeeding journey.
▶ Education Reduces your Risk The Thompson Method provides evidence-based preparation that helps you approach breastfeeding with knowledge and confidence from day one, and reduces the risk of experiencing common challenges.

Are you really prepared to breastfeed?
You labor at home for as long as you can. You go into hospital. That moment
has finally come to meet your newborn baby. It’s really happening.
Contractions. Emotions.
Your baby finally makes an appearance.
You hold her for the first time and you’re filled with joy.
Then, it’s time for her first breastfeed.
Your partner reassures you that you can do this.
Hospital staff offer their advice, but each one has a different approach.
You’re so tired and you begin to wonder if you can get through this.
This is the reality for so many new mothers.
Would you know what to do?
There are 2 reasons why this happens for so many women.
- They were only focused on their labour and birth and thought that breastfeeding would just happen
- They did not have the knowledge or confidence to make informed decisions for themselves and their baby.
Of course, there are other reasons why things may not go as planned and some of these situations are unavoidable.
This is the moment when many mothers realise the importance of educating themselves prior to giving birth.
We don’t want this for you.

"Thank you so much to Dr Robyn and Joanne Thompson for this course. I had my baby boy on Monday via an emergency c-section. The midwives on the ward are amazed this is my first baby and we are feeding so well. I know that without your research and the course, it would be a whole different story! I feel confident with my breastfeeding journey and appreciate the support you both continue to provide in the private group. THANKS!"
~ Alison J
Individual results may vary
Whether you’re a first time mum or you’ve been through it all before, The Thompson Method will guide you step by step so that you can aim to avoid the common breastfeeding challenges experienced by so many women. Nipple discomfort, breast engorgement and mastitis, low milk supply, the use of nipple shields and dummies, your baby being fed formula and the list goes on. Add to that the increase in the rate of inductions and Caesarean Sections, will you and your partner know what to do if you’re separated from your baby?
The Thompson Method is a gentle, evidence based method that will help you reduce the risk of birth and breastfeeding challenges so that you can breastfeed your baby with confidence, for as long as you choose.

The Thompson Method is a gentle, proven method of breastfeeding that challenges outdated, forceful practices taught in many hospitals. The method has been tested by research at the Mater Mothers’ Hospital, Brisbane with the aim of improving breastfeeding outcomes for mothers and babies.
The research project determined that the implementation of The Thompson Method was successful in improving breastfeeding outcomes for mothers and babies.
Why is preparing for breastfeeding so important?
Many women, particularly first time mothers, are focused on their labour and birth, thinking that breastfeeding will just happen easily and naturally, because that’s what nature intended.
If this sounds like you, don’t feel bad. You're not alone.
Logically, it makes sense, because a woman’s body is physically designed to breastfeed.
It is one of the most natural things a woman can do.
Unfortunately, this does not end up being the case for many women.
Why? Because the breastfeeding information that you’ll likely be taught in hospital is inconsistent, conflicting and outdated.
But why should you trust the Thompson Method over information that’s out there?
Advice from well-meaning friends and family may result in you feeling pressure to appease them, but often leaves you and your baby in all sorts of trouble.
The reason why The Thompson Method is different to other sources is that it’s based on the PhD research from Dr Robyn Thompson a midwife and educator with 50 years experience.
The evidence from her research clearly showed that painful nipple damage was closely linked to common techniques that are being taught in most hospitals.
But the Thompson Method is not just about the technique. The research uncovered so many more factors that were contributing to painful and stressful breastfeeding challenges for so many women. And the good news is, many of these challenges can be avoided, by preparing during pregnancy.
It’s a holistic approach and a proven method that’s designed to help you give birth to your baby and build a bond with your baby through breastfeeding for as long as you choose, with confidence.
Real Results from Real Students
“We made it! 12 weeks of EBF!! After a heartbreaking breastfeeding experience with our first born, my initial goal was to just get to 3 months EBF if I could. And we made it and so now I have to set a new goal cause we’re sure not giving up yet!!!! And it’s all thanks to this program that gave me the knowledge, and more importantly, the CONFIDENCE to get to this point! Thank you Dr Robyn and team, I feel so blessed to be able to feed my baby girl.”
Mother to 2 Children
"I cannot recommend The Thompson Method enough. I started the education program about half way through my pregnancy and it was the most invaluable thing I did. Despite having a difficult birth that threw up some immediate challenges to breastfeeding, I already had so much knowledge that I could apply from the start (and because of that knowledge, I felt confident in saying ‘No’ to certain things while in hospital for those first few days post birth). My daughter is now 9 days old and feeding is going so well - she has a very large appetite 😂. We had one hurdle when my milk supply was delayed and the support that I got from Joanne and Robyn that night was amazing 🙌🏼
I truly believe that educating yourself on breastfeeding is THE most important thing you can do for yourself and your baby. It may be a natural thing, but then doesn’t mean it’s easy and I think a lot of people just resign themselves to it being a painful and unejoyable experience because they simply don’t know any better. ”
first time Mother
"The Thompson Method was the only way I was able to breastfeed after almost giving up numerous times. Now I’m into my 13th month EBF, thank you for helping me get through my first 3 months".
first time Mother
Luckily I discovered the Thompson Method before I delivered so I went into the hospital prepared. I had an elective caesarean and I told the Midwife on duty that I wanted uninterrupted skin on skin immediately after birth and to be allowed to BF on my own.
In recovery, an LC was waiting and a Midwife from the theatre, she immediately held baby’s head and shoved it to my nipple
It happened so fast that I told her I got this, pushed her hand away and thankfully my baby latched on. For the entire duration of my stay, they allowed me to bf without interruptions and would always just ask how we were going and if I had questions to ask. I was lucky enough to have a really good experience. However, it would’ve been a different story had I not have discovered The Thompson Method.”
– MANU O.,
first time Mother
individual results may vary
Celebrate Your Uniqueness
Every woman, every baby and every breastfeeding journey is unique. And there are times when every mother needs a little guidance and support. This is why we provide you with pregnancy, labor, birth and breastfeeding support in our private Facebook Group, included when you purchase the program.
You belong here.